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Our Investments

Global, Strategic, and Responsible Investment Expertise

Global, research-driven, and responsible investments

Yangji Asset Management combines a global perspective, deep research, and a commitment to responsible investing to deliver long-term value across asset classes, with a core focus on real estate.

Investing globally for long-term growth

We invest globally and across all asset classes. Our primary expertise and focus is investing directly in the real estate sector.

Our research-intensive approach focuses on identifying the drivers of change that could impact the value of our investments.

We strongly believe that by actively investing on a global basis across asset classes, we can offer clients the best opportunity to increase their real wealth, consistently and over the long term.

Sustainable investments for a better future

Social and environmental change is happening faster than ever. Investors are increasingly conscious of climate change, and are making positive changes, such as recycling and using environmentally-friendly products.

We believe that responsible, sustainable, ethical or ESG (environmental, social and governance) investing not only benefits the future of humanity but may also be a driver of future portfolio outperformance.

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